Sequoia National Forest

National Parks are not dog-friendly. But National Forests are. So much driving is necessary in order to Bring Fido. Today Calli and I went to a park in Visalia to meet Veronica, who is scheduled to pet sit her on Thursday. This venture will entail my driving from Three Rivers CA back to Visalia, drop off the dog, drive back to Sequoia, run around the park dog-free, and then go back to Visalia to pick up Calli. But that night I am staying in Visalia, so that’s fine.

After we met Veronica and her dog Fiona, we drove to Springville CA to the Sequoia National Forest. It took 2 hours, the last part of which was very windy indeed. But beautiful.  We drove through already parched fields dotted by trees

Driving to the forest
This doesn’t do the view justice

Calli got a treat when a herd of cattle decided to use the same road:

Cattle crossing
This black cow (right) made her crazy

We finally arrived at the aptly name Trail of 100 Giants

Trail of 100 Giants

Calli did some real estate shopping

Calli’s new condo
Or maybe this one
Ready to move in

I chatted with three guys from Europe spending a few months in the US traveling, took their picture, and they returned the favor:

In the roots of a fallen sequoia tree

These things are BIG

Big Fella

As in really really big.   An example of scale

To get some sense of just HOW BIG

The fallen giants can accommodate lots of people playing on them at once

Tree Bridge/ Playground

We spent a couple of hours walking around the trail (it’s not long–we did it twice) and then moved to Dome Rock Trail:   not really a trail (so short) but the views were magnificient.  These photos don’t do it any justice at all

Dome Rock
Sierras still snow capped
More inadequate shots
The Intrepid Explorer hiding under my knees

It took a long time to drive down.  I got to the hotel in three rivers about 5.  It’s fine (Comfort Inn). Overpriced (with dog fee will be about 200 a night). Run down.  Clean enough. (looked behind the desk for a plug. Dear god.  The dust.

Met Jon for dinner and we walked across the street to a pretty pleasant outdoor Mexican place.  He worked on his final paper in my room (no internet in the park) and we looked at my plan for tomorrow. Might be ambitious. I need to ask at the park.  Weaver Lake: in the wilderness area, pretty high up, 2 hour drive. But they let dogs.  So… Maybe.

4 thoughts on “Sequoia National Forest”

  1. Oh my – now I am *really* homesick for California! Thacher, Los Padres, golden hills (ahem, golden, not “parched”), sequoias . . . I’m so glad you’re there & having a fabulous time!

    1. Jon is living in the park in a house shared with other employees. I did not get to see it. He has his own room. He is working at the park so he is not with me. He came to see me each evening at the hotel, we had dinner, and he finished his final papers for his masters.

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